This is a 60 min site visit for a home owner that is at the ideas stage of their project. We walk through the home with our customer and answer any questions that they may have about the renovation process, as well as provide valuable expert opinions on the systems in their house. No such thing as a stupid question!
This is a two hour site consult for a client who doesn't own the house yet, and is looking to gain insight on the potential costs and possibilities of a renovation. This is different than a home inspection, because we provide expertise in the areas of zoning bylaws, building bylaws, HAZMAT considerations, and a rough idea on costs to renovate.
This is a detailed analysis of the potential home, which includes a two-hour site visit, a detailed report on compliance with zoning and building bylaws, as well as a full budget breakdown of your potential renovation. We also look at things like property set-backs, the potential for hazardous materials to be present, and a plethora of extremely valuable information not covered in a typical home inspection.